Found 1 blog post for the month: May 2020

Victoria Day

It's been two months since the city was put on lockdown. Tomorrow, some non-essential businesses and offices will start to open as long as they can maintain social distancing. I will continue to work from home since my productivity is not drastically impacted, though my setup at the office is more ergonomic. In addition to that, apparently some badminton places are opening up too, so we might be able to get out on the courts next week.

The weather has continued to be kinda gross, which helps with the stay at home thing. Last week it snowed, but like I've said before, what even is normal weather in this city? This weekend was definitely shorts and t-shirt weather though. I've been doing three hour walks in all directions from my place. The trail that runs next to the Humber River from Old Mill is really nice, as is High Park when there aren't as many people. Saturday walks usually start in the morning and end up at Nations around lunchtime, where I'll grab some Five Guys or Firehouse Subs for lunch, and a cheeky milk tea from Chatime, and then do my grocery shopping before heading home.

As the weather improves (it's almost summer?!), it's going to be harder and harder to stay at home. The number of daily cases continues to drop but it's not like New Zealand where they're enjoying zero cases regularly, or one case from a known cluster. My flights to Malaysia were cancelled too. It's still very uncertain how all of this is going to pan out, and I'm really hoping things will start going back to normal soon.

I need a damn haircut.