Found 1 blog post for the month: November 2020

Second Lockdown

I'm finding second lockdown harder than the first. I'm not quite sure if it's a combination of boredom because outside is cold, dark, wet, windy, snowing, or a combination of the above, or if it's the onset of seasonal affective disorder, or if it's something else. I don't have any fun events or social gatherings to look forward to. It's can I pass the time until everything is over.

This past weekend was sunny at least, and I spent most of it biking around the waterfront. I made it all the way to Cherry Beach. There were quite a few people out, though I did wonder how many of those people were socialising outside their household bubble. That's probably another factor in my frustration, I feel like I'm giving up a lot of the things I like doing but others aren't.

And then I look back at New Zealand, where my family are, where people are hugging and high fiving and enjoying the warmer weather and the longer days. Holiday season sucks when you're alone. It's going to be a long winter.